This booklet was written because we are spending too much time glued to our screens. But the sad reality, all this technology is playing havoc on our health.
The most recent figures for Great Britain (2015/16)
1.3 million working people suffering from a work-related illness
30.4 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
£14.1 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions:
- The total number of WRMSDs cases (prevalence) in 2015/16 was 539,000 out of a total of 1,311,000 for all work related illnesses, 41% of the total.
- The number of new cases of WRMSDs (incidence) in 2015/16 was 176,000, an incidence rate of 550 cases per 100,000 people. This rate is not significantly different from the previous year and the rate has been broadly flat for the last five years.
- An estimated 8.8 million working days were lost due to WRMSDs, an average of 16 days lost for each case. This is not significantly different from the previous year. Work related musculoskeletal disorders account for 34% of all working days lost due to work related ill health.
People going to work when they are ill costs the UK economy more than £15 billion a year, according to research. The behaviour, known as presenteeism, has been linked to errors, lower performance and exacerbating health problems leading to more productivity loss.
Many steps can be taken to reduce the risk posed to industry and commerce of stress, strain and fati-gue for PC users which can eliminate:
These and other factors can add up to making computer work physically stressful. But – it doesn’t have to be! To get the most from the computer, ‘One small change can make all the difference’.
MASCOT is simple and very straightforward. We want to bring back the good old days so that every user can work in a relaxed and a less stress environment and be happier and contented at the workstation.